The Deal We Always Wanted: A dialogue on a feminist digital economy
- Day 2: Dec 15 (UTC+8) 9:00 pm-10:30 pm
IT for Change
Natalia Figge (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Anita (IT for Change)
Nandini Chami (IT for Change)
Gita Sen (DAWN)
Anna Lee Fos Tuvera (International Trade Union Confederation – Asia Pacific)
Mariama Williams (South Centre)
Sofia Scasserra (World Labor Institute UNTREF)
This session seeks to highlight the urgent imperative for social movements to respond to the ongoing Big Tech-led restructuring of all sectors of the global economy and the resultant injustices, and identify feminist digital justice as the next horizon for Southern feminism in its 21st century avatar.
The feminist action framework for the digital economy shared in the session has been prepared by a working group of feminists whose composition reflects geographic and age diversity and is attentive to representation from different political locations – academia, civil society, trade union movement and mainstream electoral politics. In the session design, a participatory approach was adopted to enable respectful dialogue, debate, and critical engagement with session agendas.
See IT for Change’s publicity flyer [Word/PDF].
Interpretations are available in Nepali Sign Language and Spanish.