
Strengthening the Capacity of Feminist Organisations from the Global South to Collectively Challenge Macroeconomic Policies in Order to Protect Women’s Land and Territory Rights

  • Day 5: Dec 18 (UTC+8) 6:30 pm-8:00 pm

The Feminist Land Platform

The Feminist Land Platform is formed by 12 constituency-based feminist organisations from Latin America, Africa and Asia that seek to challenge inequalities relating to women’s land and territories rights, to highlight women’s leadership and feminist perspectives in all land struggles, and to take action on gender issues. The FLP realises that we need to join forces and strengthen our capacities and organisations to fight for what should be ensured in terms of justice and equality between men and women, regardless of their culture, religion, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity.

This session enabled feminist organisations from the South to discuss and develop an alternative policy approach and advocacy strategy to protect women’s land rights in the different regions that are suffering from increasing processes of land grabbing and conflicts around their land and territories. It allowed us to strengthen our capacity to monitor and collectively challenge the macroeconomic policies and projects that are destroying our forests, contaminating our water resources, putting at risk the food sovereignty of our communities, and attacking our territories, cultures and livelihood.

For the session, the methodology employed would be in the format of a round table with six main speakers and participants, being members of the FLP, other feminist organisations linked to the topics, and also strategic partners, most of all social movements, constituency-based organisations and academics and researchers working around the proposed topics. The session was also divided into three blocks in which questions were made initially to speakers, but in each block participants were invited to intervene or make questions.

French, Spanish and Portuguese interpretations are available.

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