South Feminists Organising: Promoting accountability and gender justice in the sustainable finance and investments dimensions
- Day 2: Dec 15 (UTC+8) 6:30 pm-8:00 pm
BRICS Feminist Watch
Priti Darooka (PWESCR International, BRICS Feminist Watch)
Mariama Williams (South Centre)
Sibulele Poswayo (Inequality Movement, BRICS Feminist Watch)
Patricia Chaves (Espaço Feminista)
Shubha Chacko (Solidarity Foundation, BRICS Feminist Watch)
This session shed light on how gender inequalities, discrimination and economic injustices are propagated through policies and investments promoted by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and multilateral formations such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc.
The BRICS remains significant in global, regional and multilateral settings. Its greatest institutional outcome has arguably been the New Development Bank (NDB). The integration of a feminist agenda of the South into the BRICS policies and institutions such as the NDB is vital to achieving this vision of justice and equality. Therefore, as BRICS Feminist Watch, we engage with BRICS and the NDB to advocate for gender equality and a social justice lens to its functioning. At this event, panellists will spotlight the role of IFIs in BRICS countries within the larger context of demonstrating that economic growth alone is insufficient to address the 12 Critical Areas of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
Mandarin, Nepali Sign Language, Portuguese and Spanish interpretations are available.