Green New Deal or New Green Imperialism?
16 September 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm UTC+8
Organised by South Feminist Futures
Nancy Kachingwe, South Feminist Futures, Zimbabwe
Neelanjana Mukhia, South Feminist Futures, India
Bhumika Muchhala, Third World Network, USA/India
Priya Lukka, Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Emilia Reyes, Equidad, Mexico
Gabriela Mendes Chavez, Agrarian South Network, Brazil
Description: Over the last few years, there have been many discussions about the Green New Deal (GND), including responses and alternative formulations such as the decolonial, feminist and internationalist GNDs. This session was an interactive dialogue between the panel and participants on questions around whether the GND discussions resonate and connect to the Global South: do GND discussions address the colonial North-South dynamics and inequalities, and to what extent? What does a Global South feminist decolonial and reparations proposal look like? How should feminists in the Global South position themselves in relation to the Green New Deal conversations, both at home and internationally?
Watch the session in the video below, or click to view it on Youtube.